Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I've Tried Meditation and the Results are...

Before I say what the results were, I would first say why I tried Meditation.

So, Why did I try Meditating? Because, I've been reading things online on how to improve your mental health. One topic popped up and that points to what I tried, Meditation. It says that meditation does not only bring mental health, but also physical and emotional health. I can prove that, except for the physical part in which, maybe, I don't meditate enough to say that it does affect physical health. But in my opinion, it does so by relaxing your body, making it function better because the muscles are relaxing. Removing stress from too much moving. Because when you're tired and stressed, your performance will be poor and your productivity will drop.

Anyway, so meditation makes me feel and/or do (at least):
- Great about myself
- Relaxed and nothing to worry about
- A glowing smile on my face
- Calm state of mind
- Better treatment to people
- Can think clearly

So, let's discuss each on of these:
- Great about myself
I usually feel great about myself. Because why not? But this time, when I meditated, it make me wanna seize the day. To the point that I have full confidence for that day and that nothing will go wrong.

- Relaxed and nothing to worry about
Because nothing is stressing your mind. You will feel relaxed and you have nothing to worry about. If there is something to, then you will definitely get it sorted out in no time. This time, sorting it out will be a lot easier and it will be done calmly.

- A glowing smile on my face
I'm usually a happy person. But it does not extend to the point that I will smile. But this time around, it put a smile on my face. I don't know why but, I just fell like doing it :)

- Calm state of mind
After meditation, you have nothing in mind. Having nothing in mind is great for awhile specially if you're stressed out. It will relax the brain and it will function better, because of the relaxing treatment from your meditation.

- Better treatment to people
There are times where you wake up to a bad day. I'm not talking about Monday but, when we have a bad day, your mood will definitely affect other people because you will treat them not the usual way you treat them. Moods have the capacity to treat other people depending on how our mood is. For example, you went to a coffee shop. You went to the counter after you make-up your mind on what to buy. The barista greets you with a glowing "Good morning sir/ma'am!". On a bad day, you will usually just nod and make your order (at least that's what I do). On a good day, you will respond with a, "Good morning!". Meditation will calm your mood, usually making it a better than your last state, and you will treat other people better.

- Can think clearly
This is an obvious one. You can think clearly now! Combining with the previous benefits, you now have a clear state of mind. Having a clear state of mind is like having no friction on a car engine, it functions at its fullest!

On a side note...
These are what I felt after doing a meditation. I don't know if these will also apply to you because all of us are different, unique. But there's one thing that I'm certain of. If you did it correctly and properly, benefits will come to you. It may not be the same on what I've experienced, but it definitely has benefits.

1 comment:

  1. Life sometimes makes us not be satisfied and I hope you will be satisfied here.
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